Post Wedding Wrap-Up: Sharing Your Live Stream

Post-Wedding Wrap-Up: Sharing Your Live Stream

The wedding is over, and now it’s time to share video from your live stream! Whether you had a small ceremony or a grand celebration, your wedding day was undoubtedly an exceptional occasion enjoyed by all who could join you in person and online.

We will discuss how to share highlights from your live stream and reflect on the success of the live stream.

Recap of the Wedding Day
Brief description of the ceremony and reception
Recap of the live Stream
Highlighting the Best Moments
Importance of highlighting the best moments
Tips for choosing which moments to highlight
Ways to present the highlights
Sharing Photos and Video Clips
Importance of photos and video clips
Tips for sharing photos and video clips
Ways to share photos and video clips
Reflecting on the success of the Live stream
Importance of reflecting on the live stream
Questions to ask yourself when reflecting on the live stream
Ways to use feedback to improve future live streams

Recap of the Wedding Day

Before sharing highlights from the live stream, it’s important to recap the wedding day. It will allow you to provide context and give your guests a brief overview of the ceremony and reception. Start by briefly describing the ceremony, including any special moments or unique features that made your day memorable.
Next, recap the live stream. Describe how it is set up and what platform you used to host it. Give a rough estimate of how many guests tuned in to the live stream,

Highlighting the Best Moments

Once you have recapped the wedding day, it’s time to highlight the best moments from the live stream. This section aims to showcase the most memorable moments and give your guests a sense of what it was like to be there on the day.

Start by explaining the importance of highlighting the best moments. It will help your guests understand why you chose to share specific moments over others. Next, provide tips for choosing which moments to highlight. These could include emotional speeches, special dances, or any unexpected moments that made your day unique.
Finally, provide ways to present the highlights. Create a highlight reel, compile or even write a blog post telling the day’s story.

For every live stream I do, the couple receives a copy of the entire stream. I always download and check the audio is in sync, something in a stream audio can be drops out so i always ensire this correct before giving the final link for the couples to download

Reflecting on the success of the Live stream

Now that you have shared the highlights and photos from your live stream, it’s time to reflect on its success. Also, reflecting on your live stream’s success is integral to the post-wedding wrap-up. It will help you evaluate what worked and if there are any improvements in future live streams. Start by explaining the importance of reflecting on the live stream. It will help your guests understand why evaluating its success is essential.

Next, provide some questions when reflecting on the live stream. These could include how many guests tuned in, how long they stayed, and whether they enjoyed the experience. You could also ask for feedback from your guests and consider any suggestions they may have for improving future live streams.
Finally, provide ways to use feedback to improve future live streams. It could include investing in better equipment, choosing a different platform, or hiring a professional to manage the live stream. Whatever changes you make, ensure they align with your goals and the feedback you receive.


In conclusion, sharing highlights from your live stream is a great way to relive the memories of your special day. By highlighting the best moments, sharing photos and video clips, and reflecting on the success of the live stream, you can create a meaningful experience for your guests that they will cherish for years to come.

How do I choose which moments to highlight?
Consider emotional speeches, special dances, or any unexpected moments that made your day unique.
How should I share my photos and video clips?
Create a Google Drive folder, share them on social media, or even send them out in a personalized email.
How can I evaluate the success of my live stream?
Consider how many guests tuned in, how long they stayed, and whether they enjoyed the experience.
Should I ask for feedback from my guests?
Yes, feedback can be valuable for improving future live streams.
What should I do with the feedback I receive?
Use it to make changes that align with your goals and the feedback you received.