
Capturing audio for your wedding video

Your wedding film is a story told by you and your friends. How we capture this is the most essential part of any wedding day
Audio for your wedding film
wedding videos

Capturing audio for your wedding video is the most important part of my day! Without audio, your film is only images and you may as well have just hired a photographer!

I need as much audio as possible, though sometimes I may use only a snippet. Sometimes I will use it all. Either way, the more choices I have, the better your film will be. From the moment I arrive on your big day, there are many opportunities for me to get audio. Below are just a few ideas…maybe they’ll inspire you to suggest more!

**Some wedding films have a combination of these techniques**

Different way to capture audio before your wedding

Pre-wedding shoot

This can be a mix of an engagement shoot with an interview (only if you want to do the interview portion). During the interview part, you and your partner answer questions together. The wedding preparation shoot is done with you both individually.

The pre-wedding shoot can be a film in its own right or I can include it in your wedding day film. Before the day, we all discuss how to capture the pre-wedding shoot and work out a possible story. The important thing is that I get as much footage to work with as possible for the wedding highlight film.




These wedding films are always fun. I get some great footage of shocked family and friends who have been tricked into thinking they’re going to party, but are actually at a wedding! For a surprise wedding film, I can start with pre-wedding interviews where they tell their amazing love story and why they’ve decided to surprise their loved ones. I can also film all the preparation for the big day. And, of course, I film the big reveal when everyone realises they’re at the wedding, with the celebrations afterwards. I love being part of these surprise weddings.

Filming the proposal, well that just speaks for itself




A save-the-date film is a video that announces the date for your wedding. You could post it on social media to announce your engagement or to set the wedding date.

There’s a lot of scope to be creative with this one. I could film you doing something together that you love, such as cooking, walking on the beach, hiking or dancing. Whatever it is, it should be authentically you.

This could be a film on its own, as with  . Or I could incorporate this film into your wedding film.


Different way to capture audio on the day of the wedding

The Interview

I love this method of getting audio for a wedding film. I have a specific process to get the best result. Be aware though – it involves doing some homework! You need to decide on 10 possible questions that you want to answer in the interview. You may prefer only two or three. That’s fine too. The important thing is that your answers tell stories that show your love and what makes you both tick as a couple. You’ll answer the questions separately and won’t share your answers with each other, so I can get a different version of the same story.

This technique worked beautifully in films for Julie-Ann and David and Lachlan and Amanda.



Reading letters during prep

This is a simple but very touching way to get audio for your wedding film. You write a letter to each other, swap them and read your partner’s letter on the morning of the wedding. This is more personal way to tell your story. (Though it may get teary, so your make-up may need a touch-up afterwards, ladies!)

Here are some tips for making this technique work:

  • If you have beautiful handwriting, write out your letter as it looks great on film.
  • If you do handwrite your letter, use nice paper and make the writing a good size. You don’t want your partner struggling to read it.
  • Don’t write the letter on your phone, as this doesn’t look as good on film. Paper is better.
  • Don’t write only one or two lines. Make it special. The more you can write, the better.
  • Set a reminder to swap letters before you separate for the wedding – with so much going on, it’s easy to forget!

I always film this in the morning while the couple are separately preparing for the day. Grooms aren’t dressed in wedding clothes at this point. I film brides once the makeup is done, but before the dress is on.

You need a private, quiet room to film in. Allow 5–10 minutes in the schedule for it.

I was able to capture amazing audio in this way for: Tim & Tash Weddings at Tiffany




This is the most common way I get audio for a wedding film – having the couple read their vows over the film. It creates some gorgeous and sometimes tear-jerking moments.

There are several ways you can do this:

  • Write individual vows, but also incorporate a verse where you say the same thing at the same time like Kristin and Patrick.
  • Make them more fun and even rhyme like Rosie and Cam.
  • Forget that people are in the crowd and make them personal. Reminisce on your journey and share some personal stories. Just make sure they’re not one or two lines long. See Alex and Ambrose’s lovely vows.
  • Tell the story of how you met. I can use these words to film a lovely background story like Carl and Natalie.
  • Bring out your inner cupid and write very romantic weddings vows like Anita and Tim.






Sometimes couples read out a favourite reading or poem on their wedding day. There are various ways to do this well on film, like with Melissa and Mathew. Sometimes I get a voiceover artist to read the poem in certain way for more impact. This worked in a stunning way for Schae and Patrick (in the second half of the film).

If you need some inspiration for readings and verses, check out:




I can capture personal messages throughout the wedding day, but it takes two videographers to achieve it. While I follow the bridge and groom to the photo shoot, the second videographer walks around and films messages from your guests.

The success of this technique obviously depends on your guests and their willingness to talk to the camera. On average, I tend to get about 5 to 10 messages for every 100 guests.

Check out these heart-warming messages for Ali and Klade



Here are some other audio options I’ve used successfully:

  • You both film yourselves on your phones at the beginning and end of the day (when you wake up and before you fall asleep. This works best in landscape mode. This film will ‘top’ and ‘tail’ your video (as we say in the business!).
  • Ask the wedding party to introduce themselves, say what their role is and explain how they know the bride or groom. They might give some advice on marriage and/or well wishes.

Any of the ideas on this page can be amazing. It just depends on what suits your personalities and tastes. You may have even thought of more while you’ve been reading. I can’t wait to hear about them!